Historieta corta a modo de prólogo que servía como presentación de "Facet", un comic que hice para ATLANTIS STUDIO. Ésta gente es muy poco profecional y aún me debe el pago de éste trabajo. De hecho si trabajan para ellos, TENGAN CUIDADO: Es muy probable que los terminen cagando con el dinero. Después de lo sucedido he estado investigando y averigué que no soy precisamente al único al que le deben. Es más, si quieren difundir la "palabra" de que esta gente, y en especial su editor responsable Mister "James Watson", es muy poco confiable, adelante pues, son libres de hacerlo niños.
Short story that works as a prologue/presentation of "Facet", a comic I made for “Atlantis Studio”. These are very unprofessional people who didn’t pay me for this job. As a matter of fact, those who are in contact, or about to work for them, BE CAREFUL : The most probably thing is that they’ll fuck you up with the money, because I’m not the only one that didn’t get paid. After what happened, I did my research and it seems these guys have done this many times before. So, if you want to spread the word about these people, and specially his Editor-in-chief “Mister” James Watson, go ahead, you are free to go kids. This guy is very, very unreliable...